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FIFA Soccer
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January 22, 2022

Editor's Review


For over two decades, the FIFA series by ELECTRONIC ARTS has held a dominant position in the football video gaming sphere. FIFA Soccer, the latest installment, continues the legacy of a franchise that has aimed to blur the lines between reality and simulation, and provide players with a gaming experience mirroring the intensity, passion, and unpredictability of real-world football. Rooted in an intuitive game engine, FIFA Soccer boasts lifelike graphics, dynamic game modes, and an expansive range of teams and leagues from around the globe. This release, like those before it, has evoked a myriad of responses from the gaming community, some of which have celebrated its innovations while others critique areas where the game may have fallen short.


Pros and Cons

√ FIFA Soccer offers a visually stunning experience, with player likenesses, stadium designs, and animations being incredibly accurate.

√ Covering hundreds of teams and leagues globally, FIFA Soccer ensures a comprehensive football experience.

√ With modes like Career, Ultimate Team, and VOLTA Football, players have varied and deep gameplay choices.

√ The commentary adapts to your playstyle, making each match feel unique and authentic.

√ The game’s ball movement is more realistic than ever, considering factors like spin, drag, and player interactions.


× Ultimate Team often pushes players towards in-game purchases, making the mode feel pay-to-win.

× Large and frequent game patches can disrupt gameplay and require significant storage.

× Despite improvements, AI teammates sometimes make questionable decisions, leading to frustrating moments.

× Online players occasionally experience server lag and unexpected disconnects.

× Annual releases often have overlapping content, making some aspects of the game feel repetitive.



Once the game is loaded, the first thing that captures the attention in FIFA Soccer is the visual splendor. The meticulous details, from the sweat on a player’s brow to the sun setting behind a packed stadium, is mesmerizing. The gameplay mechanics have been subtly tweaked, resulting in more fluid player movements and unpredictable ball behavior. This unpredictability, a facet of real-world football, makes for exhilarating gaming moments.


The Career Mode remains a hallmark, offering both player and manager careers. Here, you can either experience the ascent of a young footballer or manage a team, making tactical decisions, handling transfers, and facing the media. The progression feels natural and rewarding. However, it’s the Ultimate Team (FUT) mode that continues to be a polarizing aspect. While building your dream team from scratch, engaging in competitive matches, and acquiring cards can be addictive, the looming presence of microtransactions occasionally sours the experience. The pay-to-win concerns are valid, as players with deeper pockets often have an advantage.


VOLTA Football, the street soccer mode, is a breath of fresh air. The smaller pitches, flair moves, and fast-paced action make it a delightful deviation from the traditional 11v11 setup. Here, players can truly express their style, both in gameplay and aesthetics.


Yet, as with any game, FIFA Soccer isn’t free from frustrations. Server issues, especially during peak hours, can hamper the online playing experience. There’s nothing more frustrating than leading a crucial match, only to be disconnected because of server instability. AI behavior, despite being sophisticated, can still occasionally baffle. It’s not uncommon to witness AI teammates making runs into improbable areas or goalkeepers making elementary blunders.


In terms of overall gameplay, the essence of FIFA remains. The joy of stringing together a sequence of passes, leading to a beautiful goal, or the agony of conceding a last-minute equalizer, all feels intensely real. The dynamic commentary, led by familiar voices, adds layers to the authenticity. Reacting to plays, player performances, and even referencing past games, the commentary in FIFA Soccer is perhaps the best we’ve seen in any sports video game.

In conclusion, FIFA Soccer by ELECTRONIC ARTS is a commendable continuation of a beloved series. While certain aspects, especially regarding microtransactions and server stability, require attention, the core gameplay remains robust and enjoyable. For football enthusiasts and casual gamers alike, FIFA Soccer promises hours of immersive gameplay.


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